VTHA Board of Directors

Purpose and List of the Vandever Trails Board of Directors

Policy Statement
The function of the Association, the Board and its officers, and committee members is to reasonably maintain and improve the property values and the quality of life in the neighborhood through Association approved programs. Below is a better definition of what the Association is and is not responsible for:

The Association will handle...

We would encourage each person to attempt a "good neighbor" policy before addressing issues with the Board. Most people are reasonable and are willing to make concessions if approached in an open manner.

The Association will NOT handle...

The VTHA Board of Directors can be contacted by individual email listed below.

Officers and their responsibilities:
President: Luke Moore
Email: presidentlmoore@vtha.org
Vice President: Bill Beisiegel
Email: vpbbeisiegel@vtha.org
Treasurer: Johnny Tygart
Email: treasurerjtygart@vtha.org
Secretary: Linda Dyer
Email: secretaryldyer@vtha.org
Board Members & their Responsibilities
Phillip Basset
Email: boardpbasset@vtha.org
Beautification and Maintenance Committee, which includes:
Tamara Danley
Email: boardtdanley@vtha.org
Neighborhood Relations Committee, which includes:
Jerry Reed
Architectural Review Committee Chair:
Jason Coan
Email: boardjcoan@vtha.org
Cameron Brosky
Email: boardcbrosky@vtha.org
Information Technology: