VTHA Neighborhood Watch

Crimes reported in Vandever Trails


February 5th: 2nd degree burglary, 1200 block of West Quincy


November 1st: Vandalism around the Gazebo/Pond Area

October 30th: Petit Larceny at 1500 Block South Fern Avenue

October 15th: Larceny of debit/credit card at 1000 block West Quincy Street

October 14th: Destruction of private property at 900 block West Quincy Street (Playground)

September 2nd: Second Degree Burglary at 1600 Block South Narcissus Place

August 8th: Assault and Battery at 900 Block West Pittsburg Place

April: Attempted burglary at 1600 block S. Ironwood

March 12th: 2nd degree burglary at 1800 block of South Lions